The neopixel will be bright, but is also timing sensitive (although adafruit has a library for it) and power hungry (with bad peak currents sometimes). Depending how much brightness you want/need a tft color display might do but it won't have anywhere near the brightness of the neopixels. For the power section I'd chose to use a 5V (at however many amps the neopixel wants) regulated wall wart in stead of the 7805 regulator / wall wart combination as the 7805 is only good for 1 amp max and I think the neopixels may want more than that. From the adafuit data sheet (worst case) 60 ma per led the 64 led one is ~ 4 A (3.8) and the other is going to be 720 milliamps so you may need around a 5A wall wart to power the leds. I'd suggest another 1 amp or so wall wart to power the processor to keep the supply noise from the neopixels (which will have large current spikes) away from the processor. Note they recommend a large (1000 UF 6.3V or higher) capacitor on the pixel supply as well. You will need to be careful with your grounds and wire sizes at this current level, I doubt that you will be actually drawing 4 amps in this application and a 2A wall wart may do fine, but I'd measure the current draw with your image displayed to be sure and more current available won't hurt, it just costs more.
(edit: I just realized you appear to be trying to display the words
Chewie II
as the logo. An 8*8 (64 led) panel will only display the C of that (as characters are typically 5*7 dots) to display that word (assuming that is what you want) you would need a tft panel in the 480*320 or larger range (and they get expensive fast as the size increases).