OK, tried to fix the the things below
Breadboard: the svg lacks a group named breadboard (as specified in the fpz file), the only thing I know this breaks is exporting the image as an svg in Fritzing. The terminals should be in the center of the hole for the pin so the wires in breadboard would connect as in real life (at the moment they connect to the edge of the pad).
Fixed: id=breadboard, female and center connectors. The design of the board do that I can't match the PWM holes to the breadboard, but VIN and LED does.
Fixed: id=schematic, Female and connections to end of pins
PCB: Its desirable to have an outline of the board on the silkscreen layer so if you were installing the driver on a larger pcb you would know how much space it needs to avoid overlapping other components. In the gerbers the hole sizes are a little odd (and a little large). My local fab house offers free drill sizes at .035 (IC pins), .038 (.025 square header pins and probably what you want here) .042 and .052. Your holes are currently .044
Fixed: Silkscreen added and holes resized to 0.038
1w_led_driver_350ma_pmw.fzpz (14.9 KB)