The fzpz would come from the part that you are trying to load the svgs in to, however I can tell you your problem from looking at the svg files you posted which is unfortunatly that you don't have any connectors (and the fzpz from the part you are basing this on does and thus you get the red screen indicating missing connections). For the relay you would probably be better starting with one of the existing relays and changing it (and its connections) to match the one you want. For the power supply, you look to be using the daughter board with screw terminals as the connectors and would thus probably be best to copy/paste (and then edit in the connections) an appropriate screw terminal connector from core in to your current svg. Bottom line is you likely can't do this ignoring the connectors, Frtizting won't work that way. You may be able to edit out the connections in the base fpz file you are using to get it to load only the images (I've never done that so I don't know if it will work).