Thanks! Well based on Old_Grey original .svg file, I let the same pin names because that is the last thing to do after finishing a piece. Now I will take a look at the pinout diagram and assign the correct label / terminal id using xml.
I always struggle using the correct grid on Inkscape. I will post my program settings (Inkscape):
Page properties tab:
- Display units: px
- Page size units: in
- Scale: 10,41667 user unit per px
Page properties tab:
- Grid units: px
- x, y origin: (0, 0)
- x, y spacing: (1, 1)
- Primary line each: 5
fit tab:
- object: 10 if closest
- grid: 10 if closest
- guides: 10 if closest
Tell me if I am wrong.
LinkIt One useful links: