I ran it through the parts check script and it came up clean and I didn’t see any problems that the script may not find when I looked at the svgs, so I think it’s fine.
While that is true, I suspect the issue is that all the free time he has is going in to checking (and modifying where needed) new parts to add and working on the new web based code base. That leaves little time for closing solved issues. I have similar mods for the rest of the PI parts that I haven’t yet gotten around to submitting so I can sympathize with the problem .
That may be worthwhile, but the list just in core parts is very very long (the check script can be used to process the all the parts in the core directory and list their problems). It is possible that I’ll switch back to doing some more work on the check script to add some mods to make it work in the Mac and add the check for the scale as a warning and then start fixing core parts as being a useful thing to do which ever direction (current code base, new web based code base, or nothing) turns out to be the way forward. What ever happens properly made parts are going to be an advantage. That said, fixing the parts requires a good knowledge of how to fix the parts and as you have seen that isn’t that easy to aquire. While I’d love to be wrong, I don’t think we have a lot of people with that knowledge, interest and time to do the work from what I’ve seen so far. I think a good next step would be to figure out and document how the “replace an existing part with an updated one” is supposed to work (which likely will take research in to the obsolete parts bin and the source). If that was documented it may make parts update less work for el-j and free up some of his time which appears to be currently split too many ways. I figure the place to start on parts is with the most popular ones (which is why I started with the Raspberry PI series) and specifically the Zero when an update broke it. However even when I submitted it (because I didn’t and don’t yet know how to) make the old part obsolete el-j had to modify my original part to do that which burned yet more of his scarce time for Fritzing. Follwinig the PI parts I think the arduino parts (some of which have errors) should probably be the next on the list. Followed by any in the github issues list that point to core parts that are broken (usually in pcb view) of which I know a couple. I’d suggest starting your list fairly small with much used parts and see if you can find anyone interested in helping. I’m afraid my sense of it is that there aren’t going to be a lot of people with the knowledge and the time, those I know of with the knowledge usually don’t have the time but I would love to be proved wrong.