InvenSense MPU6050 (GY521)
I don’t know how to read those gerber errors (since I haven’t generated any yet), but glad you wrote the correct fixes to that. vanepp: the hole size is .037 (not .038) for 6 of the holes, one hole is...
View ArticleInvenSense MPU6050 (GY521)
You could make a silk of the ultrasonic sensor from the top down, and that way when it is mounted vertically on a PCB you could see if it hits other vertical parts, ie ultrasonic sensors.
View ArticleInvenSense MPU6050 (GY521)
KingDarBoja: Looking at what you wrote, you mean the PCB view, right? So how to remove the transformation things like the translate at Inkscape? Yes pcb view (apologies, I’m so used to which is which...
View ArticleStandardization of Fritzing part design
Since there wasn’t a common agreement between us, I will just edit the main post with the current tips I have been using for my parts design on Inkscape.
View ArticleInvenSense MPU6050 (GY521)
Done I checked the part with Atom Editor so the .svgs files should look “beautiful” since I used a beautifier plugin while working on them. HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Distance Sensor.fzpz (51.2 KB) vanepp: We...
View ArticleInvenSense MPU6050 (GY521)
Both parts now look fine. Congratulations! When I first exported the InvenSense part as gerbers I screwed up somehow and it didn’t render the top silkscreen. I didn’t see anything wrong in the svg to...
View ArticleFC-51 Infrared Obstacle Avoidance Proximity Sensors Module
Updated part, I just changed the breadboard view component to make it look like the real one fc-51_IR_Sensor.fzpz (24.9 KB)
View ArticleFC-51 Infrared Obstacle Avoidance Proximity Sensors Module
Very nice! You are much better at the breadboard graphics than I am (usually when part of one of mine looks like this it’s because I have copied it from someone more skillful ) and that’s a big help...
View ArticleFC-51 Infrared Obstacle Avoidance Proximity Sensors Module
Thanks Since there isn’t any mistake, I will do a pull-up request to github repository in some hours (to let you spot any problem at time). Also, I noticed you fixed a Raspberry Pi Zero Fritzing part...
View ArticleFC-51 Infrared Obstacle Avoidance Proximity Sensors Module
KingDarBoja: Thanks Since there isn’t any mistake, I will do a pull-up request to github repository in some hours (to let you spot any problem at time). I ran it through the parts check script and it...
View ArticleFritzing2Web - looking for contributors
i’m not sure what the issue is for the fritzing-parts-api-client-js. can you try to run the tests. make test it will work, you can find test output at travis....
View ArticleFritzing2Web - looking for contributors
paulvollmer: i’m not sure what the issue is for the fritzing-parts-api-client-js. My first guess would be ignorance on my part , I 'm not at all familiar with javascript and I expect I didn’t do...
View ArticleWhere the DIAC on Fritzing
Unfortunately, there isn’t a DIAC component as far I know, but since it is a easy to do part, I could do it for you. Do you need a specific model or generic one?
View ArticleWhere the DIAC on Fritzing
Indeed there wasn’t one but it is a trivial change to the stock diode (which I have done) so assuming you don’t want a surface mount varient this should do you: diac.fzpz (6.4 KB) Peter
View ArticleWhere the DIAC on Fritzing
I don’t wanna be rude but the symbol and pcb is wrong based on eagle Diac library: Eagle example image.png752x322 7.82 KB Of course, there are variants but would be nice if those could be exported...
View ArticleWhere the DIAC on Fritzing
I based the schematic on this data sheet for a db3 diac: DB3.pdf 259.85 KB They (nor ST) don’t have a real schematic symbol so I used the one from the test setup down the...
View ArticleWhere the DIAC on Fritzing
vanepp: They (nor ST) don’t have a real schematic symbol so I used the one from the test setup down the datasheet. You are right, looks like manufacturers tend to put the mirrored diode symbol instead...
View Articlerotary encoder parts
hi all, I would need to use this type of rotary encoder for my project but I can not find this part anywhere online. Can someone help me? Thanks in advance
View ArticleWhere the DIAC on Fritzing
Hi, I do not need a specific model, with the generic one it would be perfect. I would greatly appreciate it.
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