i just created a simple circuit which includes 5 pcs 74HC595 shift register and 5 pcs 7 segment displays. Since i live in Austria i need to buy the 7 segment displays on the local market. The order of the connections is different to the ones from the fritzing library. Here is my problem:
Even though i connected the 7 segment displays correctly on the bread board page the autorouting is ignoring it and creates wrong connections on the cicuit. E.A. my 7 segment display have the common cathode on 3 and 8. But the circuit autoroutes them to 9. The segments as well are wrong routed.
I even tried to change the connections in the parts editor but it gets completely ignored.
Mini Scoreboard V2018.fzz (58.2 KB)
Any idea what i am doing wrong?
Thx in advance