One cause of this is a bug in Fritzing where loading an invalid part isn’t correctly dealt with which hangs Fritzing and corrupts the parts database. I have what I think is a fix for this, but need to get bask to working on being able to build Fritzing for Windows (the fix works on Linux) to test it more.
I downloaded and tried your part (I keep backup copies of the database files in case of corruption ) and had no problems. The default drc rules complain about clearances and your part isn’t correct (the holes don’t get drilled in the gerber output probably because the pads aren’t defined correctly though I haven’t looked), but it does not crash Fritzing for me (9.3.b on Win7). If you like I can correct the pcb svg so if will generate correct gerber output. As Old_Grey said if you upload the fzz file for the sketch one of us can see if we can figure out why Fritzing crashes, assuming it does for us.