I think his $100 is pretty safe note the terms "to make and document a DIP ‘tiny85 part from scratch " I take that to mean not starting from another Fritzing part. It is still doable by someone with enough experience but then you run in to "the as complete as the most anal hackaday commenter would expect, posted to hackaday.io". Enough words in there to weasel out I expect ... He does indeed have some valid points, but in my view the appropriate thing to do about them is to provide resources to the Fritzing project to correct the flaws either m the form of donations to fund development or time and patches to the source code (which unlike Eagle is available to do that with). Eagle is all very nice while it survives (which I think may not be so very long, as it was bought by Autodesk recently I believe, Autocad here you come eagle users ...). He is entirely correct about the state of part create documentation though I'd have to admit.
Peter Van Epp