Schematic to breadboard layout
Right I have just rewired everything, think it's working correctly now. I have changed the value 1 to 7 which lights up "Q0" pin. it flashes on and off.
View ArticleProblem with PCB created with Fritzing
Do you have the outside dimensions of the node cpu board? There is something odd about the current pcb layout in terms of scaling and the numbers aren't coming up correct in Inkscape. The pads are...
View ArticleSchematic to breadboard layout
Good, progress is being made . From the 7 (which translates at the shift register to 0111) the polarity of off is 1 not 0. Thus you want to reverse the bitClear (which in fact turns the led on not...
View ArticleSchematic to breadboard layout
It sure is, must of spent about 6 hours over the past 2 days trying to figure out how to do this. I understand what you mean about that the 7 is 0111 which is the binary figure. but I'm not 100% sure...
View ArticleSchematic to breadboard layout
vanepp: midi.write((byte)0x00);bitClear(leds,2); /* turn off green led */bitSet(leds, 1); /* turn on red led */updateShiftRegister(); is the code in question which it looks like should be:...
View ArticleSchematic to breadboard layout
Alright thank you for the explanation, I've been playing about. Realised I forgot to change the lows back to highs and the highs back to lows. Because I'm not using the pedals at the moments. Just...
View ArticleSchematic to breadboard layout
jovid196168: void loop(){ if (digitalRead(modebtn) == HIGH && toggle8 == 0){ // this is your error. The } below ends the if above and the rest // of the code that should be here always...
View ArticleSchematic to breadboard layout
When I remove } underneath void loop(){ it comes up with the error updateShiftRegister was not declared in this scope
View ArticleSchematic to breadboard layout
jovid196168: bitClear(leds, 7); /* turn off the red led */bitSet(leds, 6); /* turn on the green led */updateShiftRegister(); // likely one or more of these needs to be removed. } }} void...
View ArticleSchematic to breadboard layout
It's thrown up the same error message. So frustrating, It is probably the first one you mentioned and probably along with this one too. I know changes the format, link to the program...
View ArticleIR control using an Atari IR joystick, possible matched pair usage
This post applies to the MEGA BREAD project, ultimately destined to be a robotics station for my son. ISSUES:* Linking the IR series Atari joystick controller to the Arduino MEGA2560 (DONE)* Read the...
View ArticleCan't get Arduino part On Top Of an Image (logo)!
Right-click on the part and there is a Raise and Lower, and just do the opposite first, ie raise the chassis and then lower, and then lower the UNO and raise it again. There is some bug that gets...
View ArticleProblem with PCB created with Fritzing
OK here is a corrected part (I substituted the pcb svg from another node cpu part I have). For some reason the pads on one entire side of your part are wrong (probably insufficient stroke width) and I...
View ArticleSchematic to breadboard layout
The code is too broken to fix. There are bits and pieces every where and several blocks that are incomplete with no information on what they should do to fix them. You likely need to start with the...
View Article需要帮助画一个电路图,不会使用fritzing
我实际上制作了一个东西,需要把这些原件集中到一块板子上,主要有,dht11温度传感器,arduino nano ,一个供电板子,一个l298n电机驱动,一个继电器,一个蓝牙模块,一个espwifi模块,怎么把这些原件在fritzing中找到,并且画出电路板子,需要一个人来帮我下,我会提供相应的报酬。
View ArticleProblem with PCB created with Fritzing
Thanks, Fritzing is an open source CAD software for the design of electronics hardware that support designers to building permanent circuit.
View ArticleProblem with PCB created with Fritzing
Hi vanepp sorry for the delay, this is amazing, thank you! Seems like you don't need the outer dimensions of the Node MCU at this point?
View ArticleProblem with PCB created with Fritzing
Nope I more or less copied the ones that the original part had. They may not be quite accurate but should be close enough. Peter
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