Standardization of Fritzing part design
You can’t really win assigning pins either way. If you have a lot of pins it’s a lot of work doing it in the actual svg phase, yet if you do it in FZ Edit and you have to mod a svg after the pins are...
View ArticleInvenSense MPU6050 (GY521)
In the PCB view VCC doesn’t have a round connector on the square one.
View ArticleStandardization of Fritzing part design
Old_Grey: You can’t really win assigning pins either way. If you have a lot of pins it’s a lot of work doing it in the actual svg phase, yet if you do it in FZ Edit and you have to mod a svg after the...
View ArticleStandardization of Fritzing part design
It is a bit tricky because it deselects the group in the XML dialogue so it looks like nothing is selected, but thankfully it stays selected in the drawing so it groups back in one shot.
View ArticleSoldermask on vias
I was getting tired of repeating the steps above after every little change I made to my files so I decided to see if I could modify Fritzing to export gerbers with the vias tented. It turned out to be...
View ArticleInvenSense MPU6050 (GY521)
In case @Old_Grey 's comment isn’t clear the parts check script has this to say (and is correct, there is no hole being generated for pin1 in the gerber as only the square is present, it needs a...
View ArticleInvenSense MPU6050 (GY521)
Thanks, I just came back to home and will fix this as soon as I can. Good catch
View ArticleStandardization of Fritzing part design
I think at this point, since the current code base seems to be pretty much dead, our best bet is to decide how we would like things to be in future and try and try and influence (preferably by helping...
View ArticleStandardization of Fritzing part design
Old_Grey: You can’t really win assigning pins either way. If you have a lot of pins it’s a lot of work doing it in the actual svg phase, yet if you do it in FZ Edit and you have to mod a svg after the...
View ArticleInvenSense MPU6050 (GY521)
Old_Grey: Does the part checker fix problems, or just reports them? Just reports them, its up to you to find and fix them (at least most of the time, for some things like reference file names it does...
View ArticleStandardization of Fritzing part design
KingDarBoja: Well, I will keep an eye on the new JS API since I know how to code on javascript but also keep practicing on parts creation since it is fun (and rewarding). That is a good plan. I think...
View ArticleStandardization of Fritzing part design
vanepp: As far as I can see the Qt code is probably a dead issue and we should be focusing on the new code (I still haven’t yet figured out how to run it). I’m fairly sure it is just an API that...
View ArticleInvenSense MPU6050 (GY521)
Fixed version. Everything has been tested again on Fritzing InvenSense_MPU6050.fzpz (18.6 KB)
View ArticleStandardization of Fritzing part design
sublimeartistry: I’m fairly sure it is just an API that allows you to use Java to access Fritzing parts. It currently doesn’t really do anything on its own as far as I understand it. That is very...
View ArticleInvenSense MPU6050 (GY521)
Mostly fine, a couple of nits: the holes are .040 rather than the standard .038 for a .1 header pin. Either should do (I think .040 may round up to .042 or thereabouts though but I’m not sure). You...
View ArticleStandardization of Fritzing part design
From El-j’s other post they say. Fritzing2Web - looking for contributors currently we build a parts-viewer, uses the api-client, as a javascript/react-app that should later become a parts-creator....
View ArticleInvenSense MPU6050 (GY521)
vanepp: Mostly fine, a couple of nits: the holes are .040 rather than the standard .038 for a .1 header pin. In which view? vanepp: a look at the pcb svg says I’m wrong (as is the original maker). The...
View ArticleInvenSense MPU6050 (GY521)
KingDarBoja: Okay it is done, I will stop making changes to this part xD Unfortunately no to both. The part is still incorrect. From the gerber drill file obtained by exporting the pcb to gerber...
View ArticleInvenSense MPU6050 (GY521)
I don’t know about this only one size(0.038") for every hole thing. If you look up 5 different manufacturers datasheet for pin header you get 5 different hole recommendations, and even then when it...
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