Ratsnest lines where they *shouldn't* be and in places that's clearly connected
I've been trying to sort this out for 3 days, now, but to no avail. I'm getting a ratnest line from 1 leg of a trimmer/potentiometer to the wiper (going through the potentiometer). This is on...
View ArticleRatsnest lines where they *shouldn't* be and in places that's clearly connected
I was able to get rid of most of them on the right hand side by picking up parts in BB view, moving them away and back. Try to avoid parts on parts or wires on parts, ie see the green wire on the cap...
View ArticleRatsnest lines where they *shouldn't* be and in places that's clearly connected
Thanks, Old_Grey. I managed to get most removed as well. It appears, when in BB view, if one shortens the legs of a component (the cap top right), they have to zoom in real close and make sure the...
View ArticleMaking PCB pads connectable?
Can anyone answer my question? Old gray is so defensive about parts-making, that he cannot see answers to his own questions that are simple to see if not so biased, and avoids answering my question...
View ArticleRatsnest lines where they *shouldn't* be and in places that's clearly connected
All I did was right-click on the pot in BB view, duplicate, delete it, and then move the duplicate back to the same spot. If you can't do it I can do it here, and upload it.
View ArticleMaking PCB pads connectable?
The pad does not have a schematic .svg, so there is no way to make it appear in the schematic view. One why is to overlay the pad on a single pad connector and have one pin in the schematic view....
View ArticleFritzing Part Creation Video Tutorial Series
Fritzing Part Creation - Chapter2 - Inkscape Basic Learning Inkscape drawing basics.
View ArticleMaking PCB pads connectable?
Excellent! Thank you. If I understand correctly, due to some Fritzing program internal dynamics, the pad function loses the sizing ability if a connection is added to it? If so, that would be a poor...
View ArticleRatsnest lines where they *shouldn't* be and in places that's clearly connected
Ok. Thanks. I'll be happy to give it a try and report back to you !! However, I'm seeing ratnest lines that make no sense on other sketches as well (like in between the pins on 2-pin headers). As...
View ArticleRatsnest lines where they *shouldn't* be and in places that's clearly connected
But before you upload, try to verify what I stated... 1) Delete the part.2) Place a new one back on the breadboard in the same place.3) Look in schematic view... Wiring for the part is gone.4) Rewire...
View ArticleCustom part working fine in all 3 views, but part is invisible when schematic...
I'm sure there's some property in the part's schematic svg file that I'm missing. Anyone know what could cause this ?
View ArticleBreadboard part not exported as SVG, works as PNG
I'm having the same issue. Just posted a similar topic. Hopefully, we'll get an answer.
View ArticleGround Fill - Still need traces?
I am attempting to use the Ground Fill. I have seeded my ground connections. My question is.. once I have seeded them and applied the ground fill can I remove the traces that connect my grounded pins?...
View ArticleRatsnest lines where they *shouldn't* be and in places that's clearly connected
Mine is correct in SCH. Outer pins of pot to 2 pin header, and centre wiper to pin 6 LM384-5w. And -PWR+1 2 pin header to either side of C1. C5 was also a problem, so I duplicated, deleted, and...
View ArticleCustom part working fine in all 3 views, but part is invisible when schematic...
Post a copy of the sketch and we will have a look. There was a similar thread a while back that turned out to be the loss of the breadboard group in the svg. There also appears to be an unresolved...
View ArticleCustom part working fine in all 3 views, but part is invisible when schematic...
Thanks for your reply, vanepp. I saw that earlier post you mention as well... He was trying to export the breadboard view. I'm trying to export the schematic view. It exports correctly as PNG and PDF...
View ArticleCustom part working fine in all 3 views, but part is invisible when schematic...
There normally is one such as this: g id="schematic" gorn="0.1" in the schematic svg. If it was missing Fritzing may still work but export not (some of the export functions appear to be more strict...
View ArticleRatsnest lines where they *shouldn't* be and in places that's clearly connected
Your problem with the pot appears to be a disagreement between where you think the pins in breadboard are and the pin numbers in schematic. If you select the two green wires on the pot in breadboard...
View ArticleRatsnest lines where they *shouldn't* be and in places that's clearly connected
Thanks. I realized this afternoon I had the wiper pin confused in schematic view... Simply had the thing wired wrong !! DUH !!
View ArticleCustom part working fine in all 3 views, but part is invisible when schematic...
Thanks. I had a feeling there was something I was missing.I also tried to export the breadboard view and the part didn't export there, either. The part creation tutorials here don't seem to go into...
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