Fritzing Edit acting weird
I gave up on that error-part made from a CORE generic IC, and have now switched to the 74 series IC and it's fine. Now the stupid fonts. I loaded the fonts from the FZ download a couple of months ago,...
View ArticleHelp needed with a random color RGB LED program
your wrong you just have to use analogWrite instead of digitalWrite
View ArticleHelp needed with a random color RGB LED program
include LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27,16,2);// set the LCD address to 0x27 for a 16 chars and 2 line display DHT;//create a variable type of dhtconst int DHT11_PIN= 7;//Humiture sensor attach to pin7void...
View ArticleThe part images are too big and cumbersome to fit many in a reasonable space
why can't you just use a real stripboard if the virtual one is too small? just asking. from King of noobsbecause i'm a noob hashtag deal with it
View ArticleCustom wire colour
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View ArticleThe part images are too big and cumbersome to fit many in a reasonable space
King_of_noobs: why can't you just use a real stripboard Why did they bother developing Fritzing at all? Why don't we just use real breadboard instead? The advantages of using a computer should be...
View ArticleThe part images are too big and cumbersome to fit many in a reasonable space
"You can please some of the people all the time and all the people some of the time, but you can't please all the people all the time." This is an open source project... parts are made up by many...
View ArticleThe part images are too big and cumbersome to fit many in a reasonable space
The perfboard and stripboard aren't perfect in BB view, so someone should make them for PCB view so everything will be dimensionally perfect. I think you can make one yourself with vias and straight...
View ArticleFritzing Edit acting weird
Finally got this mess sorted, and my vid finished. Don't use error-part, find an non error-part donor. Droid Sans doesn't work, but OCRA does.
View ArticleFritzing Part Creation Video Tutorial Series
Fritzing Part Creation - Chapter6 - Schematic View It's rare that you'll have to make a schematic part from scratch, as they are so generic you could just use one from another part, but there are lots...
View ArticleCopper/Ground Fill only on ONE side?
Why is not possible to fill only one side of the pcb? or is it me? is it bad practice?
View ArticleFritzing Edit acting weird
Ah, didn't think of that for the fonts. The graphic standard doc does say if you use text, use OCRA so I guess it enforces that. Looks like breadboard is either, and schematic is Droid SANS. Whats an...
View ArticleFritzing Edit acting weird
I had a lot of issues with Droid as well, until I notices that the original file had 'DroidSans' as the font, and my font file showed up as "Droid Sans" (notice the space). Once i made sure all of the...
View ArticleCopper/Ground Fill only on ONE side?
I just tried, and had no problem filling a one sided board with a ground fill on the bottom.Can you be more specific about your need?Is this a two sided board or one sided?If it is supposed to be one...
View ArticleCopper/Ground Fill only on ONE side?
I just did some more experimenting and found this.If you have a 2 sided board, and on the bottom toolbar both layers are selected.The 'routing/ground fill' button will show both top and bottom ground...
View ArticleCopper/Ground Fill only on ONE side?
i dont see an option form the menu that let me fill just one there any other way to do it?
View ArticleFritzing Edit acting weird
The 2 OCRA's caught me out the first time I used it, so I remember to use OCRA not OCR A Extended, but I'm sure I loaded DroidSans, yet when I tried both, neither worked. The error part is in...
View ArticleCopper/Ground Fill only on ONE side?
Ohhhhhh.... definitely very a counter-intuitive user interface... thanks!!!
View ArticleRatsnest lines where they *shouldn't* be and in places that's clearly connected
Folks... I've tried this again with a less complex circuit. It is quite clear to me that the 3 views and ratnest lines across the 3 views in Fritzing simply cannot be believed. This one is an LM386...
View ArticleRatsnest lines where they *shouldn't* be and in places that's clearly connected
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