Fritzing Edit acting weird
Well I drew 16 contacts in INK without any transform - I freehand 2mm circles and changed the stroke to 0.5mm and duplicated them -, and still it errors in the PCB view but not in the bin using the...
View ArticleLarge single pin part with 6.36mm diameter
A via connects the top of a board to the bottom, so it should be plated. It doesn't really matter if it's plated if you purposely solder the top contact and the bottom to the leg of a component...
View ArticleI want to include some latching DTDP relays... but oh dear
Do you know what words FZ understands. If I use connector0pad it doesn't auto assign pins when you load the svg into a FZ edit, but if you use connector0pin the pins auto assign. The CORE TO-220 uses...
View ArticleAbility to give wires/traces a name
A nice feature would be the ability to give wires and traces a descriptive name, instead of the cryptic Wirexxxxx. The property must be there, because those labels show up in all 3 views.
View ArticleFritzing Edit acting weird
I can't believe this crap. I ignore the on-screen error by using the part in the bin, which doesn't error, and now I load a newly made SCH drawing that I did exactly the same way as yesterdays svg,...
View ArticleLarge single pin part with 6.36mm diameter
Thanks. I will go with the VIA then. When I tired an artwork hole, or stand-off hole, however I could not connect a route to them. The VIA was the only one I could connect to,and resize. The only...
View ArticleLarge single pin part with 6.36mm diameter
I don't think there is a SCH symbol for a VIA, because it's not important in SCH view. The SCH view only shows connections irrespective of how it's actually connected, and you layout the physical...
View ArticleI designed a PCB in Fritzing, but forgot to mirror it. How do I fix it?
I designed my first PCB in Fritzing, intending to have it milled at the local hackerspace (they want Gerber files) and then assemble it with THT components. But now all the copper is on the top side...
View ArticleI designed a PCB in Fritzing, but forgot to mirror it. How do I fix it?
Just click on the PCB board, and in Inspector select one layer. You might have to alternate between double and single a few time if it doesn't stick.
View ArticleFritzing Edit acting weird
It may be that you are hitting the problem that it is careless with deleting temp files. If so a workaround is to move aside the two Fritzing temp directories AppData\Roaming\Fritzing* and My...
View ArticleI want to include some latching DTDP relays... but oh dear
No. I'm just copying what I've seen I think (but don't know for sure) that Fritzing only cares if it says connector something, pretty much anything else will be ignored I think. I didn't know what the...
View ArticleHelp needed with a random color RGB LED program
// put your setup code here, to run once: int Pin_LED_Red = 5; int Pin_LED_Green = 4; int Pin_LED_Blue = 3;void setup() {pinMode(Pin_LED_Red, OUTPUT);pinMode(Pin_LED_Green,...
View ArticleI want to include some latching DTDP relays... but oh dear
Near the end of my last Chapter 5.5 show the phenomena. Who knows what FZ has built in.
View ArticleHelp needed with a random color RGB LED program
That is correct you only have a single argument to the function (and its wrong anyway ). As with the calls above it you need the port number (Pin_LED_Red, Green or Blue) and either HIGH or LOW to tell...
View ArticleFritzing Edit acting weird
Yes, mistyped there sorry . I started out right, if you move the Fritzing directories aside as in rename AppData\Roaming\Fritzing to AppData\Roaming\Fritzing_date then recreate the folder...
View ArticleHelp needed with a random color RGB LED program
thanks a lot ! i want the light to glow a random color so i don't think telling it high or low or the color is right. i would also appreciate you giving me any other tips on my program.
View ArticleHelp needed with a random color RGB LED program
I gathered that was what you were trying to do however the LEDs don't do random. They are either on or off (as is the port) so to create random light you would need to get a random value, decide on...
View ArticleFritzing Edit acting weird
Old_Grey: I can't believe this crap. I ignore the on-screen error by using the part in the bin, which doesn't error, and now I load a newly made SCH drawing that I did exactly the same way as...
View ArticleAbility to give wires/traces a name
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