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ADV7391 Properties


Check the data sheet. To use an advanced chip such as this you need to read and re-read it as many times as it takes to understand all of its functions and how they interact before you try and build something with it.

page 50 for CEA861 it has to do with display identification as can be seen on Wikipedia

IRE is a unit in video processing

Arduino Mega 2560 Shield v2.0


It looks like your problem is the fzp file. The terminals look to be there and correct in the schematic svg, but aren’t in the fzp file. For example connector9 (the first one I happened to try in Fritzing :slight_smile: ) looks correct in the svg but the fzp is missing the terminalId tag:

<connector id="connector9" name="pin 9" type="male">
  <description>pin 9</description>
      <p layer="breadboard" svgId="connector9pin"/>
      <p layer="schematic" svgId="connector9pin"/>

Connector0 is correct:

<connector id="connector0" name="pin0" type="male">
  <description>pin 0</description>
      <p layer="breadboard" terminalId="connector0terminal" svgId="connector0pin"/>
      <p layer="schematic" terminalId="connector0terminal" svgId="connector0pin"/>

So your easiest solution is likely to use a text editor to add the missing temrinalId fields to the connectors that don’t have one in the fzp file. The part check script provides this somewhat (because it lacks a connectorId) warning message:

Warning 14: File
At line 4910

terminalId missing in schematicView (likely an error)

for all the missing pins. You would need to edit the fzp file and look at line 4910 to discover that this refers to pin 323 (big part!). I’ll add this to my list of things I should fix in the script, since it knows the connector number and could (and should!) display it in the error message to be more helpful. I think @Old_Grey 's solution with n/s/e/w in parts editor will also add the terminalId field however I usually have difficulty making that work so am more inclined to edit the file. As always what ever is easiest for you and works is the right answer.


How to draw a dotted line in schematic?


I’m not sure there is a way to draw a dotted line in schematic (although someone else may know a trick), you might look at the schematic frame (a drawing title box) which I think can have a box around it. That may work to isolate the circuitry on schematic. It can be found in the core parts bin Schematic view (5th from the left). That will create a title block (where you could indicate this is optional circuitry) and create a solid (I don’t think dashed is an option) line around the optional circuitry. As you say the parts will still show up in breadboard and pcb, but they would need to if you wanted to install the parts.


Problems with the format of the schematic.


While @sublimeartistry is correct that you could recreate this circuit from the parts (you would need to find them all though as some of them are unfamiliar and thus are probably custom). This appears to be the breadboard view of a Fritzing sketch. If you can get the .fzz file that this image was created from it will have a schematic view (possibly not routed yet which you would have to do) to give you the schematic. If you have the sketch clicking on the breadboard tab on the top line will give you the view above and clicking on schematic (to the right of breadboard) will change you to schematic view which should have the schematic representation of the parts in use. If the schematic view hasn’t been finished you would need to drag the parts to the correct position and route the connections.


Arduino Mega 2560 Shield v2.0


Yes, that’s what I am gonna do. But I don’t remember needing connector terminal for every pin on my breadboard view. Probably I forgot them due to the huge ammount of connectors for this part. :tired_face:

Thanks as always :smiley:

EDIT: Made all the changes suggested.

arduino_mega_sensor_shield_v20.fzpz (286.4 KB)

Hope it is finally the end. xD

How to draw a dotted line in schematic?


Thank you Peter. It seems odd that there isn’t a way to do this. Over the years I’ve designed many circuits that had optional sections where one could leave out parts that may not be needed. I can see where putting in the etch makes sense, as well as the breadboard.

I’m doing a design for a magazine article. I guess I could print it out, draw in the dotted line and then scan that. Perhaps there would be a way to “shade” an area with a light color?


How to draw a dotted line in schematic?


I have a workaround for you.

In the core parts under the schematic section you will find a text part. Drag it out and type in a series of dashes and spaces to make a line. Then copy that line four times and position them in a square around your optional section. You will have to rotate two of them to be vertical.

Screenshot from 2018-04-09 23:32:44

Problems with the format of the schematic.

How to draw a dotted line in schematic?


Sheer genius! It looks like that should work, I’ll try it.


How to draw a dotted line in schematic?


It worked perfectly! Thank you so much.

It would still be a nice feature to have in the software to be able to just draw a dotted line. Dotted lines are also used to show that two parts are connected, such as a potentiometer and an included switch on the back.


Arduino Mega 2560 Shield v2.0


While I didn’t check all the pins in schematic, the check script doesn’t object to anything (except the terminalIds in breadboard which aren’t in the svg but that’s fine) but it looks fine. In breadboard especially with headers you don’t usually need the terminalId as the pin is usually square (in the case where you have a pin that is a rectangle you do want a terminalId so the connection is in the correct spot). Sorry I didn’t say that before you added the terminalIds for bb :blush:. As usual nice job!


How to draw a dotted line in schematic?


Another alternative to @sublimeartistry 's suggestion above would be to export the view(s) you need as an svg via file->export, then use a svg editor such as Inkscape to add the dotted lines. It is a little messy (you would need to redo the export and re edit the svg if you change the sketch) but it should work, but if it works for you , @sublimeartistry 's suggestion is better as it is in the sketch with no post processing required.


Problems with the format of the schematic.


In general I use google with a search term that starts with Fritzing part such as “Fritzing part nodeMCU cp2120” which will find you some of the nodeMCU parts. Unfortunately there are several of them (I have fixed up at least 6 for people) so you need to find the one that matches your particular board (some are .9in wide and at least one is 1.1in wide). Searching for nodemcu in the forum search (the magnifying glass at the top of the screen) should find them as they are mostly posted here in the forums rather than being in core parts. The DHT22 is available in the adafruit library on github (you need to download it from github and load it in to Fritzing, there are instructions on the Adafuit site for doing so. There are also other models in Fritzing with the same pin out that will work. The OLED you would need to search for by model number to find one with the correct pinout and size. As I said before if you can find the .fzz file for the sketch that you posted the parts you need should be in the temp parts bin of that sketch and you can then export them and use them in your sketch. There are some 433mhz pars but the ones I know of are different that the ones in your link above. I think there are logic level converter modules available, and I have posted a parts for the 74LVC8T245 here in the forums (but that is a smd chip rather than a module). If you search for 7805 in core parts you will find the 7805 part you need. If you can’t find one of the parts you need post again and I’ll see if I can find one anywhere (or possibly make one).


Problems with the format of the schematic.


Искренне благодарен за развернутый ответ.
Но через вялотекущие процессы на этом форуме, вчера нашел практически все компоненты сам, а LM7805 не нашел, поэтому подредактировал LM1117.

Библиотеки компонентов, которые мне удалось найти:

Captcha error when signing up


While signing up for this site, I saw the captcha needs looking at.46 PM

How does parts creation get started


I see the parts menu, but there is nothing I can select, is is all greyed out. Can i create a part with my own lead spacing? I need to create an audio transformer that has 5mm between leads on each side, and 10mm between each side.

Any help will be appreciated.

Op-Amp example with audio in going to Amp out


I am working on designing an op-amp audio amplifier with digital audio level control and using the project http://fritzing.org/projects/op-amp-audio-amplifier as my template. The template shows that the audio jack for audio in the left channel is connected to the output of that Op-amp, whose positive input comes from the high end of the Pot (using DS1809), and the right channel in goes to + of the other Op-Amp and it’s output going into the low end of the pot, and the wiper going to the speaker.

Why is the left plugged into an Op-Amp output and why connect anything to the high end of the pot?

I attached an organized version of the above link with the digital pot but before I add the bandpass filter.

Audio Amplifier Align.fzz (27.7 KB)

How does parts creation get started


Parts making is fairly complex although a transformer isn’t a big deal. If you are set on making your own part the best place to start is type “transformer” in to the parts bin search bar (the magnifying glass in the parts bin) which will bring up the existing transformers. I’d start with the first one (Sparkfun small transformer) which is through hole. Then you need to edit the part with the new parts editor and save as a new part (to get a moduleId that is different than the transformer in core). Then you would need to export the part to a .fzpz file, and unzip it to get the svg files and edit the pcb svg file to get the pads to the correct spacing. If you haven’t made Fritzing parts before this is likely a non trivial task, so the easiest way would be to post a pointer to the data sheet to give me the dimensions and I can modify the transformer part to do what you need (because I am familiar with making parts). Here are pointers to a couple of tutorials on parts creation which apply to the current version of Fritzing (most of the others around are for older versions and no longer apply) if you want to learn to make parts which I encourage and am happy to help with!


Op-Amp example with audio in going to Amp out


I think the basic answer is that the project you started from likely doesn’t work as shown. The original project doesn’t have schematic routed (and I am too lazy to try and route it), but looking at breadboard the op amp negative inputs are both grounded and the positive inputs connect to signals. Without feed back resistors this will act as a comparator not an amplifier. As long as the signal in is higher than ground the output will be the positive supply voltage if the input is less than ground, the output will be ground. You likely need to find a working op amp amplifier circuit (I’d suggest building it to make sure it works) and then make your changes with the digital pot. There are lots of op amp tutorials on the net.


Fritzing on iPad


7 year ago there was a forum where the possibility of fritzing on iPad may be possible if Qt supports it. Since then, there was no words.

Will fritzing iOS version ever be supported?

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