Is there a quicker way to delete 60 px’s.
I did them individually and forgot something, and now have to do it all again.
Is there a quicker way to delete 60 px’s.
I did them individually and forgot something, and now have to do it all again.
Looking for this part.
I don’t like your chances, at least for a BB view.
Link the correct datasheet.
Thank you,
That was enough.
While there doesn’t seem to be a ra version, entering “sma antenna” in parts search turns up a sparkfun version. Or look at this one (I don’t remember if it is ra or not, although I made it ), found by a google search for “fritzing part sma right angle connector”. If this doesn’t suit it can probably be modified easily enough.
Mein Englisch ist zu schwar.
Ich möchte gerne den Baustein wie oben vergrössern auf 8 Kanäle leider ist die Anleitung nur auf Englisch gibt es keine auf Deutsch?
Can you cut/paste into Google Translate
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I tried it and it is smaller than the actual size. The SMA connector on the picture has Pin Spacing 2x2.54mm. In meantime, I solved by using Single Row 2 Pin Header and increase pin spacing to be 5.08.
As I said, changing the part isn’t a big deal if (as Old_Grey said) you supply a data sheet that describes the part. If your header solution suits your purposes that is fine too.
I’m unclear on what part you want to change (there isn’t one listed here) but if you are looking for an 8 bit level translator
is one.
is another. If you have a part that you want modified, if you provide a pointer to the part I’ll have a look.
@AlanChen Is this your project?
It looks like your PCB and they say they used Fritzing. Also the timeline stated in the forum thread would line up well with when we developed this footprint.
Yes it is, after some time the apa102-2020-board has fit into my project proving it usable.
The density had cause me soldering failures, but I guess auto smt would not have problems. After all hand solder fixing worked.
Thanks again for all the help.
The boards shown in forum were all drawn in fritzing and apa102 were sourced in Taiwan.
So I forgot to share it also in fritzing forum,
Where should I head to?
I’m new to fritzing, so not sure where to begin, but I’m looking for a fritzing part for Teensy 3.2. Is anyone aware of an existing part I can use?
There is Teensy 3.0 and 3.1 in the bins, just do a search.
It looks amazing. Good work.
If you want to share it here I would put it in
On the shit level TXS108 (board breadboard) I want to change the numbers, how do I do it
Thank you
IF it is the numbers that appear when you mouse over the terminal then you can right click on the part and open it in the parts editor and change the labels.
If it is the numbers in the picture of the part you want to change then you would need to open the part in the editor as above but this time you need to export the image as an SVG and then edit the SVG and import the edited SVG back into the editor to replace the current image and then save it as a new part. You will then need to replace the part in your sketch with the new part you just saved.
Since I have bought some of these off ebay, I have fixed up most of the problems with this part (scale, bad internal pin numbering and PCB mostly).
BluePill_improved.fzpz (33.8 KB)
It would be cool if different parts had legs in differing shades of grey so it’s easier to tell which legs belong to which component when they cross on bread- and strip-board.
Shorten the leads to reduce crossing as much as possible. If component layout does not allow that, shorten the legs anyway, then add a wire from the leg to the actual connection point. You have control of the colour for wires. Plus wires can be made into curves instead of just straight lines. A little experimenting can make the layout easier to follow.
Internally, the color of the legs in the component graphic files is ‘fixed’ to a standard. I guess it would be possible to add an option in the code to override that for a placed component. I’ve never seen the need in the boards I have laid out. I don’t think I have ever even used the technique to use a wire to extend a leg. Adjusting component position and existing leg lengths have always been enough to keep things organized and clear.