Like this:====copy of my terminal=before click return===
[nick@darkstar ~]$ pwd
[nick@darkstar ~]$ ls
Desktop Downloads octave-core Programs Templates
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[nick@darkstar ~]$ cd Programs
[nick@darkstar Programs]$ ls
[nick@darkstar Programs]$ cd fritzing-0.9.3b.linux.AMD64/
[nick@darkstar fritzing-0.9.3b.linux.AMD64]$ sudo ./
=========================lets so what happens after return==4
[nick@darkstar fritzing-0.9.3b.linux.AMD64]$ sudo ./
[sudo] password for nick:
nick is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported.
[nick@darkstar fritzing-0.9.3b.linux.AMD64]$
============Dam I forgot my sudo password I will try su
[nick@darkstar fritzing-0.9.3b.linux.AMD64]$ su
[root@darkstar fritzing-0.9.3b.linux.AMD64]# ./
======================now I will press return/enter
========================didn't work same as before..
Now I have an aditional problem to recover sudo password for "nick"
I have my su password and my user password but not sudo password.
I do not recall setting it...hmmmm?
BUT if I may ask how does one change/erase sudo password.
after that I will try "$ sudo ./'
Tanks for the help.
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