SL6 x64 Intel Chip - installing & running Fritzing
Assuming you are in the directory where Fritzing is try ./Fritzing The not found message is likely because Fritzing isn't in your path. For your earlier errors does your system have KDE installed...
View ArticleSL6 x64 Intel Chip - installing & running Fritzing
Like this:====copy of my terminal=before click return===[nick@darkstar ~]$ pwd/home/nick[nick@darkstar ~]$ lsDesktop Downloads octave-core Programs TemplatesDocuments Music Pictures Public...
View ArticleSL6 x64 Intel Chip - installing & running Fritzing
Thank you for your comment,,,"ritzing isn't in your path"...>that could be true but I have moved into the directory containing Fritzing..======================my current location...
View ArticleSL6 x64 Intel Chip - installing & running Fritzing
Here is is in the Nutshell ===================================================== [nick@darkstar fritzing-0.9.3b.linux.AMD64]$ sudo ./[sudo] password for nick: nick is not in the...
View ArticleCategorize the Mine bin?
Is there a way to categorize/group the "my parts" bin ?Something similar to the way the Arduino bin and others are categorized ?
View ArticleText labels in schematic view not included when exporting as SVG
Steps I took that resulted in the problem: Placed text labels in a schematic view.Exported the view as an SVG file.Labels not included in resulting SVG file.... What I expected should have happened...
View Article3 Simple questions from a newbie
Τhank you for your time! I think it is ready! Screenshot_14.png1138x736 268 KB
View ArticleUnable to check for and update new parts
Ocsav, thanks for the reply, but, alas, no go. I can cd to all directories from /usr to /usr/share/fritzing/fritzing-parts. If fact, that was one of the first steps I verified, but I just did it again...
View ArticleSL6 x64 Intel Chip - installing & running Fritzing
The sudo password is normally your regular password for nick. if you have your SU password you can try this. $ cd /downloads/fritzing-0.9.3b-linu-AMD64 (The location of the file)$...
View ArticleSL6 x64 Intel Chip - installing & running Fritzing
time: Thank you for your comment,,,"ritzing isn't in your path"...>that could be true but I have moved into the directory containing Fritzing.. In Windows this would be true as Windows searches...
View Article3 Simple questions from a newbie
It would be a good bet to export the gerbers (file->export->for production->extended gerber) and the check them with a gerber viewer (I use gerbv from the geda project but there are others)...
View ArticleSL6 x64 Intel Chip - installing & running Fritzing
Thank you but it did not work...I may have to try to reinstall SL6 (Redhat6) [nick@darkstar ~]$ suPassword: [root@darkstar nick]# lsDesktop Downloads octave-core Programs TemplatesDocuments Music...
View ArticleSL6 x64 Intel Chip - installing & running Fritzing
Thanks, tried fixing sudoers file but could not find my user as an entry.I suggested perhaps as I am learning this to reinstall SL6 paying attention to sudoes password.My other passwords work , but...
View ArticleSL6 x64 Intel Chip - installing & running Fritzing
You can try this/... sudo adduser "username" sudo enter the password as prompted. It maybe the Redhat software and its files structure. Certain files/directories may not be the same as the Debian...
View ArticleSL6 x64 Intel Chip - installing & running Fritzing
Path was added [nick@darkstar fritzing-0.9.3b.linux.AMD64]$ PATH=$PATH:/home/nick/Programs/fritzing-0.9.3b.linux.AMD64[nick@darkstar fritzing-0.9.3b.linux.AMD64]$ echo...
View ArticleSL6 x64 Intel Chip - installing & running Fritzing
[nick@darkstar ~]$ sudo adduser nick sudo[sudo] password for nick: nick is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported.[nick@darkstar ~]$ ======================still the same - no sudo...
View ArticleSL6 x64 Intel Chip - installing & running Fritzing
You need to be logged in as root (rather than nick) to run the sudo adduser "username" sudo command. You need to be root to modify the sudoers file. The idea is that if your account is in the sudoers...
View ArticleSL6 x64 Intel Chip - installing & running Fritzing
Goto your fritzing foldercd fritzing-0.9.3b.linux.AMD64 (where ever that location is)then just execute fritzing withsh Fritzing You shouldn't have to install fritzing to run it inside Linux. It should...
View ArticleSL6 x64 Intel Chip - installing & running Fritzing
Thank youi, this is the result;=======================[nick@darkstar fritzing-0.9.3b.linux.AMD64]$ lsFritzing fritzing-parts LICENSE.GPL3Fritzing.1 fritzing.rc lib...
View ArticleSL6 x64 Intel Chip - installing & running Fritzing
Thank you for your effort... I have just rebuilt an old laptop that I likes when it was new and I could not afford it. Most of my other computers are running windows/tablets are Android (also Linux)....
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