Thank you for your comment,,,"ritzing isn't in your path"...>
that could be true but I have moved into the directory containing Fritzing..
======================my current location =================
[nick@darkstar ~]$ ls
Desktop Downloads octave-core Programs Templates
Documents Music Pictures Public Videos
[nick@darkstar ~]$ cd Programs
[nick@darkstar Programs]$ ls
[nick@darkstar Programs]$ cd fritzing-0.9.3b.linux.AMD64/
[nick@darkstar fritzing-0.9.3b.linux.AMD64]$ ls
Fritzing fritzing-parts LICENSE.GPL3
Fritzing.1 fritzing.rc lib
fritzing.appdata.xml help LICENSE.CC-BY-SA sketches
fritzing.desktop icons LICENSE.GPL2 translations
[nick@darkstar fritzing-0.9.3b.linux.AMD64]$ install ./
================Result after return/enter
fritzing mime types already registered
/usr/bin/xdg-mime: line 531: kde-config: command not found
mkdir: cannot create directory `': No such file or directory
/usr/bin/xdg-mime: line 542: / Permission denied
/usr/bin/xdg-mime: line 531: kde-config: command not found
=============Did Not work...
I tried $sudo ./ as suggested
also did not work - but hey I have new problem I dont know my sudo password
===============Any suggestion on how to chnage sudo password as I can not recall seting the original..
Thank you for your interest.
SL6 x64 Intel Chip - installing & running Fritzing