Thank you, vanepp.
Pardon... But I need to re-read your post here a few times to let it all sink in.
As far as all the groups (gxxx) are concerned...
I realize I was in the development stage of this, and as a beginner... trial-and-error, simply didn't give those groups a proper name. There is still a good bit more detail work to do to name them properly. (I'm just not happy with generic names gxxx names... They need to be named appropriately. But, that's just me).
This is a learning experience for me. Please bear with me. I thought I had Inkscape page set to inches and not pixels, but maybe not.
As far as the fonts are concerned, I have seen success in any font and any font size a person wants... Just have to click the text object to select it, then on Inkscape's top menu, click Path->Object to Path. It appears to be maintained when importing into Fritzing. However, it's no longer an editable "text object" after that.
On the breadboard view...
I saw the connector1... nodes. They weren't even being used... Must have been left over from starting with the generic IC. Deleted those nodes and so far I see no side effects.
Thanks again. I like the software... Just a learning curve.