Me too I like to put in meaningful group names, Inkscape likes to sometimes put in nests of group names and then moving them causes it to use translate (which essentially changes the coordinate system locally) which I dislike. So far I find the best bet is to ungroup everything make all the changes you are going to (and delete any translates that may preexist from other packages / parts you started from and deal with the fallout, removing the transforms will often move the part around and may change its size).
You probably did have inches set, but when saved Inkscape switches to px and the CSS standard apparently calls for fonts to be in px, but Fritzing doesn't like it. There is an unfortunate mismatch in standards here, Frtizing is supporting the svg tiny subset (with extensions) and in some places accepts CSS type style commands but in others (bendable legs being the notable one I know) doesn't, so you have to manually modify the svg to make Fritzing happy. I too am still learning about parts making (or as I like to call it parts creation hell ) and it is complex and poorly documented.
While Fritzing may accept any fonts (it may also silently convert them to the two it wants), I tend to use the ones in the
graphics standards doc
The parts file format is also very useful
The two fonts are available on the main web site to download and install as well.
Ah, my bad, I didn't look to see if they were your connectors, just assumed they were. You are probably right they were left over from the generic IC and likely would be ignored. There is for sure a learning curve and its steep, but there are a number of very skilled people in here who will help out so keep asking questions, we all learn from them.