This doesn’t look correct, but I’m not sure what should be happening. Is the 9V battery powering the Arduino (alternatives would be a wall wart connected to the arduino power plug or a USB cable plugged in). If so the +9V side needs to go to Vin and that 9V will be reduced to provide 5V and 3.3V on those pins. Both the 9V battery and the 3V (12V as the note says?) batteries appear to be connected wrong. I’d expect the - side of both batteries to go to ground (which by the way should have black wires usually). The +9V wire should go to arduino vin and the 3v/12v battery + should likely go to the motors. The diodes across the motor will likely mean that the motor will only go one direction (the other direction will likely short the motor driver). Usually motor drivers have internal protection diodes but you would need to check the data sheet to see if that is true here. What connects to the power plug on the bottom?