OK I’ve made a bunch of changes to your last posted version and arranged schematic how I would typically do it and routed the parts (mostly the power connections using ground and VCC nets) as an example. I didn’t do anything with pcb layout as it is likely to be driven by your space requirements.
Breadboard view:
Added the corrected neopixel part and fixed connection order in breadboard. Due to incorrect labeling in breadboard view we had +5V and DIN reversed!
Changed wire colors on the LEDs to orange for red and green for green so which is which is obvious (don’t need to do on physical bb unless you want to)
Changed the part label on the amphenol connectors to J1 - j10 in the correct order (they were out of sequence) for neatness.To do so click on the part then “show part label”, then click on the label itself, click edit and change the label. Note that you need to make sure all the labels are unique as routing will screw up with duplicate labels!
Did the same thing for the LEDs.
Changed the opto coupler to use the 6n137 (instead of the 6n138), rotated the 6n137 180 degrees so it is in standard format and connected it so it should work correctly (with less parts) than using the 6n138. It should also work more reliably as the 6n137 can do 10 mhx rather than 100khz for the 6n138 making this worth doing in my view. Replaced the zener diode with a 1n4148 from my post in parts_submit back in Sep of 2016 and deleted a couple of unneeded resistors. Changed the wire color to purple for the entire rxd line for consistancy
Delete ground wire on din2 pin 2 as suggested in Midi standard at https://mitxela.com/other/ca33.pdf
Added a 1K pull up resistor to the output of the opto coupler (pin 6) as suggested in the 6n137 data sheet
Reverse the power/gnd wires on the bottom right end of the led6 breadboard as power and ground were reversed (found in schematic when led3 - led6 were to +5V instead of ground)
Arrange input jacks on the left of the schematic and outputs (neopixels and leds) on the right in numeric order.
Added VCC and gnd symbols from core to reduce the clutter caused by running power connections as one large wire.
Chewie 2_fixed_2.fzz (107.6 KB)