Schematic to breadboard layout
Not a bug (yet ), but a wiring error. I’m not sure how fritzing is detecting it, but the ground wire on the bottom of the breadboard with the amphenol connectors is missing. Adding that completes...
View ArticleSchematic to breadboard layout
Thank you for looking at my sketch, just noticed the optocoupler is the wrong way around I will flip it now. Can the value of it be changed? I need it to be a 6n138 optocoupler. The diodes vaue needs...
View ArticleSchematic to breadboard layout
Ah, I see the 6n138 runs on .5 ma of diode current (as opposed to 5ma for the 6n137) and seems to be preferred for midi applications. However since the 220 ohm resistor they recommend will produce...
View ArticleSchematic to breadboard layout
Yeah I built it exactly as to what I was told. So I used the parts that were recommended. It won’t matter about modifying the 6n137. Because I’m going to use the 6n138 anyway when I make a pcb. I was...
View ArticleSchematic to breadboard layout
jovid196168: Because I’m going to use the 6n138 anyway when I make a pcb. In that case you should switch to the 6n138 now as trying to change it later will be a pain and may break routing. The 6n138...
View ArticleSchematic to breadboard layout
I have the 6n138 connected to my breadboard physically. That’s why I would like to change it. Do I have to use the 74ls14 or 74hc14 as well? Because the midi in is working fine with just the...
View ArticleSchematic to breadboard layout
The 74ls14 is only needed for the repeater jack. The article I referenced said that with the 6n138 sometimes the midi commands didn’t get through because of slow edges from the 6n138 (that is what the...
View ArticleSchematic to breadboard layout
Just remember you CAN’T change connections in 1 view if there are SOLID connections in another view. Either Delete Minus the part and fit new part, or delete all the traces in the other views first,...
View ArticleSchematic to breadboard layout
OK I’ve made a bunch of changes to your last posted version and arranged schematic how I would typically do it and routed the parts (mostly the power connections using ground and VCC nets) as an...
View ArticleSchematic to breadboard layout
Thank you for fixing so many things on the sketch. I won’t be able to test this connection physically because I don’t have them parts because I am using the 6n138 optocoupler with the 1n914 diode. The...
View ArticleSchematic to breadboard layout
jovid196168: Thank you for fixing so many things on the sketch. I won’t be able to test this connection physically because I don’t have them parts because I am using the 6n138 optocoupler with the...
View ArticleSchematic to breadboard layout
I have ordered some 6n137 optocouplers, so they will take a few days to arrive and I will then test the circuit for the midi in and out you drew. I don’t have a oscilloscope so I can’t test the wave...
View ArticleSchematic to breadboard layout
jovid196168: As long as the messages are sent it’s all good. Because the leds are controlled by midi using scripts in a program. I expect the messages will be sent correctly, the problem is that they...
View ArticleSchematic to breadboard layout
When I recieve the new optocouplers I will have to try all that you have said. I would also like a sketch of what I have set up on breadboard. The original sketch I first sent. But I’m scared of...
View ArticleAdafruit Permaproto causes lag
Steps I took that resulted in the problem: Import Adafruit Fritzing Library Adafruit Industries - Makers, hackers, artists, designers and engineers! – 27 Aug 12 HOW-TO: Install and Use the Adafruit...
View ArticleAdafruit Permaproto causes lag
Happened to me when there are too many detailed parts at the same time and you zoom out. Seems to be a problem related to program perfomance which can’t be solved right now since there isn’t...
View ArticleCreating Ground Vias
Hi folks, My circuit has grown in complexity and now it makes sense to create a ground fill in order for my components to be routed easily to ground. My question is how to great ground vias. It seems...
View ArticleAdafruit Permaproto causes lag
Try turning off the grid feature. If it is set to a low value it can cause massive lag. If turning it off helps but you want to use it then set it to as large of a value as you can use.
View ArticleCreating Ground Vias
There are two ways. as you said already you can place a bunch of vias and set them as ground seeds. create your ground fill and then place the vias (no need to set the seeds) The advantage of 2 is...
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