Thank you for fixing so many things on the sketch. I won’t be able to test this connection physically because I don’t have them parts because I am using the 6n138 optocoupler with the 1n914 diode. The only thing that has caught my attention is the midi out going through the optocoupler. I don’t need it to, I only needed the midi in to go through the midi in.
Anyway I have had a go at the schematic view and have everything routed but I’m not sure if it’s correct. But since doing the schematic view the breadboard view isn’t fully routed. One of the capacitors has a rats nest on it. I only need the capacitors for the led ring and strip. I have one going across the power rails of them. Do I need both of them? Chewie 2_fixed_2.fzz (120.7 KB)