Why are holes from tht resistor so big
I expect you have done something wrong as a standard resistor from core uses a .035 inch (don't know what that is in mm, but .9 sounds way too big) hole in the gerber drill file. If you post the...
View ArticleWhy are holes from tht resistor so big
When i search for resistor, i get several results and all of them has a standard much to big hole for the tht type. Yes, i posted a project called 74hc595 with 16 resistors and they have a 0.9mm hole...
View Article3 Simple questions from a newbie
Read this article now.Posted same question about the big holes of resistors. Why so big in the first place? So all users of fritzing have to do same effort and redesign the part?Isn't it better to...
View ArticleWhy are holes from tht resistor so big
Are you using something like 1/8 watt resistors? A standard 1/4 watt resistor lead reads about .025 on my vernier calipers so .035 sounds about the right hole size (I admit I rarely make boards...
View ArticleWhy are holes from tht resistor so big
That is the std hole size. I like 0.8mm when I can because I drill my own, but usually they are 0.8 - 1.0mm for std THT stuff. An old 1/4W resistors have leads of 0.6 - 0.7mm, only the new cheap...
View ArticleWhy are holes from tht resistor so big
If you want such a part I can whip one out for you (its a simple edit in the svg), but I don't think the extras in core will work with it as it isn't a core part (but I could be wrong ).
View ArticleWhy are holes from tht resistor so big
I put a 0.4mm via on each of my connectors - sometimes over 100 on 1 PCB -, because the copper etch centres the drill when you DIY drill them. You could use this short-cut as another way to shrink a...
View ArticleWhy are holes from tht resistor so big
Yes, the resisters i use are small. Bought a whole bunches with diffrent values for only 3$. I later projects when i use a via of 0.4 mm they just fit fine.Problem is no silkmask and you mis the part...
View ArticleWhy are holes from tht resistor so big
Sorry I just tried the via on the connector and the original big hole is still in the drill.txt file, so it's not shrinking the hole. I would say it's a bit unlikely it will be added because it's not...
View ArticleFritzing will not work with voltage dividers
Steps I took that resulted in the problem: I have a project where I need to take a voltage reading. I have a 47k/10k divider going to pin A0 on my Arduino. Fritzing WILL NOT allow this (Or I dont know...
View ArticleFritzing will not work with voltage dividers
Try to ask for help before submitting a bug, because this looks like a case of not knowing FZ's idiosyncrasies. The usual method is work in only one view and make it perfect, and then trust the...
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How do I clear the 'Recent Sketches' list? I can't find an option to do so? My list contains old sketches with similar names and causes confusion. Thanks.
View ArticleWhy are holes from tht resistor so big
While it took longer than it should due to my usual fight with Inkscape (resolved in this case to resorting to a text editor on the xml ) here is a resistor part with the hole size reduced to .0157...
View ArticleDFRobot's SD Module (DFR0071)
I believe I have this part all cleaned up, now. All groups in breadboard view have been properly named, connectors in schematic view have been shortened a little and the missing copper1 group in pcb...
View ArticleDFRobot's SD Module (DFR0071)
Looks fine to me so I guess we will see if anyone else sees anything I missed
View ArticleRaspberry with SK9822 LED
hello , i have got some SK9822 led strip , i want to use Raspberry to control it , are there anybody try it before , and Can you share the code with me . thanks
View Article3.5mm Stereo Jack PJ-324M - PCB mount - 5 pin
Fritzing can't do slots, at least it doesn't show in the Gerber drill.txt file, so the pin holes are 2-off x 1mm holes with a 0.1mm spacer to prevent drill breakages when put into production. If put...
View ArticleAutorouting on dashed connections
Hi all, I just started using fritzing to make schematics and PCBs of my little arduino projects.I find the software incredibly well done, complete and easy to use. I encountered a problem though,...
View ArticleProblem with 4xxx logic gates - can you reproduce this?
Hello SGParry - thank you so much for your work on the 40xx series logic chips. I'm a total newbie to Fritzing. Are these 40xx parts available for me to use. How do I go about accessing these 40xx...
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