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View Articlerotary encoder parts
I can’t see the pins but I assume it’s not in FZ part search, and I hope you did a Google search for the part because that takes us a lot of time. You will have to provide a link to the datasheet or a...
View ArticleWhere the DIAC on Fritzing
KingDarBoja: The real problem is: I don’t know how to put multiple PCB variants for one single part Yeah each part is a complete unit - you don’t have to double pick parts like in KiCAD -, so you...
View ArticleWhere the DIAC on Fritzing
Voilá! The first DIAC part in fritzing diac_diode_db3.fzpz (8.5 KB) I did some changes at PCB based on current diodes (added the symbol).
View ArticleFiles needed for language conversion
Reading via google translate (presumably you can get back the same way): you can make the files for your self. Clone the repository on your github account, create the files you need and do the...
View Articlerotary encoder parts
As @Old_Grey said, a part number or data sheet is the starting point after you have typed rotary encoder in to the part search (the magnifying glass in the parts bin on the right). Around 6 different...
View ArticleFritzing2Web - looking for contributors
vanepp: which may be because I haven’t actually built nodejs on cygwin (a quick look indicates it has problems running there). I’ll continue poking at it so that I hopefully learn (and can document...
View ArticleFritzing2Web - looking for contributors
That would be good, I think this is probably a case that I don’t know what I should be doing. I think things are installing correctly (I just edited the above post with my latest attempt) as I don’t...
View Articlerotary encoder parts
I use quite a few different encoders - enough that I made several encoder test gizmos. As pointed out, the Spec Sheet is the starting point. Several of the same Physical-looking parts do have...
View ArticleError in s1133 photodiode part
The same problem. Tried to reverse schematic pins in the editor, but looks like they’re locked or smth… Any chance of a fix?
View ArticleError in s1133 photodiode part
I opened it in the parts editor. Changed the pins in the PCB and saved as a new part. Import this part into Fritzing. S1133 Si Photodiode.fzpz (78.4 KB)
View ArticleError in s1133 photodiode part
Easy fix. I just switched the connector pin / terminal ID inside the schematic .svg file as you can see: Schematic view I will push it to the github repository in order to apply such change but don’t...
View ArticleEagle2Fritzing on Windows
Hello Fritzing community, I noticed there was another Fritzing repository called “Eagle2Fritzing” which is supposed to turn any .brd or .lib file (from Eagle) into Fritzing parts (svg files). After...
View ArticleEagle2Fritzing on Windows
It would be interesting to see what @vanepp script thinks of a part created this way. Also do you know what the long diagonal rectangle on the silkscreen is? It seems out of place.
View ArticleEagle2Fritzing on Windows
Can you post a simple part because we find a lot of parts in FZ with totally butchered XML that we think is due to the Eagle2FZ conversion.
View ArticleEagle2Fritzing on Windows
sublimeartistry: Also do you know what the long diagonal rectangle on the silkscreen is? It seems out of place. It was already on the .brd file downloaded from ARDUINO ETHERNET SHIELD 2. EDIT: After a...
View ArticleEagle2Fritzing on Windows
On 2nd thought can you upload one that has a lot of pins because we usually see millions of duplicate nodes in old parts that we presume is the Eagle2FZ, and if has a lot of pins it would show up more...
View ArticleEagle2Fritzing on Windows
sublimeartistry: It would be interesting to see what @vanepp script thinks of a part created this way. If someone posts a part (best) or even just the breadboard svg above as an svg I can run it...
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