Error in s1133 photodiode part
KingDarBoja: I will push it to the github repository in order to apply such change but don’t expect it to be updated too soon. It may come sooner than you think. El-j has been pretty good about...
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Old_Grey: On 2nd thought can you upload one that has a lot of pins because we usually see millions of duplicate nodes in old parts that we presume is the Eagle2FZ, and if has a lot of pins it would...
View ArticleEagle2Fritzing on Windows
KingDarBoja: I need an example since I don’t have idea of board names besides arduino ones I was mainly thinking of something like a big IC part, like maybe a Atmega 2560 chip. The problem I keep...
View ArticleError in s1133 photodiode part
There is a problem with that one in that the silk in PCB is white, and that makes it hard to identify in the icons in Insp when you hover over the part. I usually click on the silkscreen group in the...
View Articlerotary encoder parts
hello guys, thanks for your clarifications. Unfortunately, none of the components in the library match the correct one for my needs. the distance between the holes and also the fixing legs are...
View ArticleEagle2Fritzing on Windows
KingDarBoja: Oh sorry! I forgot to upload the result files here: Arduino_Ethernet_Shield_V2.fzpz (22.2 KB) Just unzip it since it has schematic + pcb + breadboard view. Thanks, I’ll have a look and...
View ArticleError in s1133 photodiode part
Old_Grey: There is a problem with that one in that the silk in PCB is white, and that makes it hard to identify in the icons in Insp when you hover over the part. The parts check script will correct...
View ArticleError in s1133 photodiode part
vanepp: The parts check script will correct this as it checks the part (one of several modifications it does make to the svgs), but it looks to be done already in @sublimeartistry 's part. I...
View ArticleError in s1133 photodiode part
vanepp: The parts check script will correct this as it checks the part (one of several modifications it does make to the svgs), but it looks to be done already in @sublimeartistry 's part. This is a...
View ArticleError in s1133 photodiode part
So far I just switched connector pin / terminal in schematic view and pushed to github repository so the part still working without any rescale / color changes on pcb in order to keep it simple.
View ArticleError in s1133 photodiode part
Old_Grey: I downloaded it again and the PCB is still white for me. My fault, I was looking at the svg after I had run it through the script. The one posted is indeed white in silk when I re unpacked...
View ArticleError in s1133 photodiode part
vanepp: The original is what I would say is correct in schematic. Yours lacks the terminalIds (which the original obviously has although I didn’t check the svg). As well your pins appear to be offset...
View Articlerotary encoder parts
I think (note the weasel word ) this will do what you want. It is basically the alps encoder from core with the switch added (and a variety of other things such as rescaling, breadboard, schematic and...
View ArticleChanging the color of LED
Actually ,the led color is changed by the led color in the luamirnare. There are two(Tunable white) or four (RGB/W) different group LED , change each one output current will change mixture of color.
View ArticleChanging the color of LED
I figure it out. You must use the “inspector” to be able to change the color of the LED.
View ArticleFritzing2Web - looking for contributors
I followed the first install procedure in the on Win7pro: Try and install it on Windows. Use the first method so install yarn Yarn Yarn Fast, reliable, and secure dependency management. Use...
View Articlerotary encoder parts
This should help… First, recognize that dimensionally, decimal places of 0.1, 0.2… up to about 0.5 mean very little when placing components on a pcb as the pins are flexible enough and the holes are...
View Articlerotary encoder parts
Thanks! I’ll compare this with my current footprint and see if I need to make changes. Having a footprint that someone has used is a big help! Peter
View Articlerotary encoder parts
Thought I’d challenge myself and try making a Part. It’s not as easy/simple as it should be but, I think I have some success… Attached file is for the baseline geometry that should work with/for a...
View Articlerotary encoder parts
Your part has a number of issues, the most serious being hole sizes. The part has these (in the gerber): INCH T100C0.082677 T101C0.043307 The first being the two mounting holes and the second being...
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