Df robot ph sensor
OK, here is @KingDarBoja 's part with a fairly crude sensor added to breadboard view based on the measurements he found (as usual I couldn’t get anything useful out of importing the png and resorted...
View ArticleCastellated Hole
Thank you @sublimeartistry, I found your first method very much suitable and feasible. I have one more question, how do you propose I cut the PCB after production, without damaging it ? I don’t have...
View ArticleCastellated Hole
Generally speaking PCBs are easy to cut with simple hand tools. If it is short area you need to cut I would use side cutters to snip it off and then file or sand the edge smooth. If it is a long area...
View ArticleHow to install fritzing component .fzpz
I’m interested in use the HX711 module to create a Project an I have already found the component on the internet. However I don’t know how to use it after the download. Can someone help me?
View ArticleHow to install fritzing component .fzpz
In the top right corner of the parts area in Fritzing there is a little drop down menu with an import function. It is right next to where you type when doing a search for a part in Fritzing.
View ArticleIn schematic diagram it shows there is some connection need to be routed
Thank you so much Peter. It helps a lot! Can I connect two wires on the same digital pins i.e D04?
View ArticleHow to install fritzing component .fzpz
Alternately to the drop down menu you can also load a part in to the mine parts bin via file->open and then click on the .fzpz file for the part. Peter
View ArticleIn schematic diagram it shows there is some connection need to be routed
braingood: Can I connect two wires on the same digital pins i.e D04? To my surprise that appears to work (I’d never tried it and had to make a test sketch to see if it would work). I dragged in three...
View ArticleUsing Fritzing breadboard parts in other documents
I wish to know whether the license mentioned allows the usage of fritzing parts in other research papers
View ArticleUsing Fritzing breadboard parts in other documents
I know if you post a FZ circuit you have to have the Fritzing logo with it. If you use FZ’s export it comes with it.
View ArticleUsing Fritzing breadboard parts in other documents
Check the Fritzing FAQs for details. http://fritzing.org/faq/ Fritzing FAQs: What about the circuits that I created with Fritzing? First of all, you can do whatever you want with them. Only when you...
View ArticleNjd clone analog dub siren
Hi there, Does anyone knows if this schematics works? I’ve allready tried to follow schematics founds on here and there and it wasn’t succesfull… Thanks guys!
View ArticleNjd clone analog dub siren
mrguep: Does anyone knows if this schematics works? No, I at least don’t know if it works or not (nor for that matter what it is supposed to do!). I do notice that the transistors are only specified...
View ArticleHow to draw a dotted line in schematic?
Is there a way to draw a dotted line in schematic? I have a section of the schematic that I want to surround with a dotted line to indicate that the section is optional and does not have to be used. I...
View ArticleArduino Mega 2560 Shield v2.0
Last update: Finished the schematic part and made little fixes to breadboard. I am not sure about how schematic pin / terminal thing works but it doesn’t assign to the end terminal the correct wire...
View ArticleArduino Mega 2560 Shield v2.0
Right-click Edit Part, then SCH view, then select pin in table and press Center, W, N, S, or E. or In XML make an invisible box on the tip and assign that the pin id.
View ArticleProblems with the format of the schematic.
I recently downloaded Fritsing, but I do not see the possibility of drawing a schematic diagram in the format, as in the figure. Help me please. Thank you in advance. Sorry, bad computer translation....
View ArticleADV7391 Properties
hello, i have some issues about ADV7391 Properties. i don’t under stand what is it CGMS, IRE, CEA861. for NON of those i find any decent explanation around the internet… and i’ll be glad if someone...
View ArticleProblems with the format of the schematic.
That is not a schematic that is the breadboard view. To make that exact drawing you would delete the existing breadboard from the view and add the components and connect them using wires.
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