Create a no connector part in PCB
Use the hybrid option... add hybrid='yes' to the copper0 and copper1 elements as seen below. <connector id='connector98' type='female' name='5V@1'> <description>5V@1</description>...
View ArticleCreate a no connector part in PCB
Does that mean you have to have contacts in PCB, because I deleted them.
View ArticleCreate a no connector part in PCB
No, leave the PCB as is... The hybrid if for when you leave out the contacts but don't want the big red square. The .fzp thinks the contacts are there when they are not... If you leave the contacts...
View ArticleArduino Mega 2560 (Rev3)-Top Mounted
Arduino Mega 2560 (Rev3) for Top PCB Mount. The PCB view of the Arduino Mega 2560 (Rev3) in Arduino Bin flipped upside down with the text flipped back so as to be readable. Other views haven't...
View ArticleArduino Uno (Rev3)-Top Mounted
Arduino Uno (Rev3) for Top PCB Mount. The PCB view of the Arduino Uno (Rev3) in Arduino Bin flipped upside down with the text flipped back so as to be readable. Other views haven't changedProtruding...
View ArticleCreatorskit 8x8 led matrix example: maximal current too high?
Dear All, I have a question concerning the 8x8 matrix array example of the creators kit booklet (p50-53, a 2013 copyright on the back). There 8 pins are used for 8 row sinks, and 8 pins are used for 8...
View ArticleCreatorskit 8x8 led matrix example: maximal current too high?
5 More Ways to Destroy an Arduino - at 5:00 min - 5 Ways to Destroy an Arduino
View ArticleCreate a no connector part in PCB
hybrid="yes" for each connector in PCB view, working.
View ArticleGM MAP sensor + modified sensor
It's an absolute pressure sensor for $5 from China, so someone might find it useful. Untitled Sketch_bb.png354x600 133 KB Full part. Can be PCB mounted with difficulty - the plug shroud fouls the PCB...
View ArticleNeed help updating from 0.9.2 to 0.9.3b
This is dead simple - I'm sure. I'm on Linux, and usually sudo apt update then sudo apt upgrade - but I just don't know what to do with the tar ball. I tried just opening it with engrampa and it...
View ArticleNeed help updating from 0.9.2 to 0.9.3b
you will have to uninstall 0.9.2, then install 0.9.3b from within the directory you unzipped "a bunch of stuff". From that directory do a ./ You then have to use the file also in...
View ArticleNeed help updating from 0.9.2 to 0.9.3b
That's not very nice for Linux. In Win you can keep the old 0.9.2 as a backup and have 0.9.3.
View ArticleLED Rectangular
Anybody good at drawing translucent LEDs want to draw a couple of 2x5x7mm rectangular LEDs in different colours - R, Bl, G, Y -. BB view mainly, and I'm guess it would have to be some sort of...
View ArticleCreatorskit 8x8 led matrix example: maximal current too high?
Dear Old_Grey, indeed these clips are pretty nice and clearand I can only agree. Still I wonder why the Creatorskit manual suggests to overload the Arduino. Best regards,YB
View ArticleNeed help updating from 0.9.2 to 0.9.3b
It's no more friendly then windows @Old_Grey. You can do the same on linux. BUT to fix your problem @oddvertex please read threw this post, it should get you...
View ArticleAbout the parts submit category
General Purpose DPDT Relay 8 pin DIP8, DIP16 style package. DPDT Relay .fzpz (6.3 KB)
View ArticleGeneral Purpose DPDT Relay 8 pin DIP8, DIP16 style package
Above the copper group in PCB you can make one called silkscreen, and add an outline rect to show it's dimension. The PCB is important because it might go to production, but a nicer BB svg would be...
View ArticleLED - Rectangular 5x2x7mm
My BB isn't beautiful, but it will do.Modified from 5mm red LED in BB and PCB svgs. Red LED - Rect 5x2x7mmNEW version with fixed Inspector selectionV1.1 - Red LED - Rect 5x2x7mm.fzpz (7.5 KB) Green...
View ArticleRunning a single-board-computer
Hello.dear experts.Running a single-board-computer as a NAS at home - which system to use? I've been musing bout the question of using a single-board-computer (sbc). I might be able to put a single...
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