Looking to pay someone to create a large part
Thanks very much again for taking the time to have a look at this guys. @vanepp, I have no better offer at this stage, so if you're willing then i'd love for you to look at creating it. I of course...
View ArticleStandard headers & header spacing
Thanks for the quick reply! I know th 24LC256 looks strange at the output connection. It's very frustrating but i can't get the connection dot to appear on the grid point. It always keeps jumping...
View ArticleStandard headers & header spacing
Maybe this makes it a bit clearer, this is my sensor: Pasted image1073x549 49.2 KB EDIT: i now see that next to it there's a pin landing drawing , gotta love this data sheet, they even use a ring...
View ArticleStandard headers & header spacing
Yeah, you just select pin pitch and ring sizes in the Inspector for the header. 0.3mm I don't know, but there isn't much holding it down. Maybe a smaller hole as the pin is 0.4mm. I like to see a...
View ArticleStandard headers & header spacing
You can set grid spacing and turn grid on and off in the top menu under View.
View ArticleLearning Fritzing, beginning difficulties
Brief intro:I've just been introduced to Fritzing. I'm a longtime software engineer (30+ years) but am new to hardware design [CAD] programs, having always done things with pencil & paper. I'm a...
View ArticleIs it possible perhaps a Daft question
Yes it looks possible to recreate the hardware for this from the code. I'm assuming you don't have a diagram or an example for the hardware just the code and that's why you are asking? This appears to...
View ArticleLearning Fritzing, beginning difficulties
The problem isn't you the Fritzing parts database is somewhat incomplete. In this case it doesn't contain a bridge rectifier. So your next choice is google and/or the parts submit forum in here (both...
View ArticleLearning Fritzing, beginning difficulties
(Insert picture of jaw hanging open) That's amazing. The parts database has hundreds of esoteric things I've never even heard of - yet you're saying it lacks basic parts like a diode rectifier?...
View ArticleLearning Fritzing, beginning difficulties
I agree there are some surprising lacks (most 74 series ttl for instance) but there are a number of people (me among them) working on adding parts. I think there is a 7805 regulator and it probably...
View ArticleRaspberry Pi code?
OK, as I mentioned in my previous post, I'm just starting to learn Fritzing, so please forgive the very basic question. I found the AdaFruit library and loaded it, but for some reason there isn't a...
View ArticleLearning Fritzing, beginning difficulties
Right. I found the 7805, but I can't change the voltage on it - which actually makes sense, because if you changed it to 12 volts, it would no longer be a 7805, but a 7812. I just can't find a 7812...
View ArticleLearning Fritzing, beginning difficulties
Ah, another Fritzism drag the 7805 on to the breadboard and click on that. Then inspector will let you change the options (but not I see to 12V!) in the Inspector window. Yes there are parts making...
View ArticleRaspberry Pi code?
Unfortunatly the code window is a work in progress. I believe only the picaxe is currently functional, the Arduino currently can't load code and nothing else is so far supported as far as I know so...
View ArticleLearning Fritzing, beginning difficulties
Thank you. I'll look at the links you offered. One question: in what way is creating a part difficult? Do you say that because it's a long process? Or tedious? Because it's obscure? Complex? Requires...
View ArticleLearning Fritzing, beginning difficulties
It may depend on your experience. I for instance initially had never heard of the svg format or an svg editor (such as Inkscape which is what I use). They are large complex programs aimed at graphic...
View ArticleLearning Fritzing, beginning difficulties
Hm. I know what a vector-graohics (SVG) image is, but I really haven't dealt with them before. I'm a decent artist and have worked with raster graphics images in Gimp for years, and apparently...
View ArticleLearning Fritzing, beginning difficulties
It's not that Fritzing can't do it, it's just you haven't learnt how to do it. Search regRight-click/Edit/Save as new part.Right-click saved part/Edit/Meta and change it to 12V. FZ was only designed...
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