Cant change the layering in breadboard view!?
I had a play yesterday and it doesn't look like you can do it. I suppose it mirrors real life where you always loop wires over parts. I always run my wires around stuff so everything can be seen...
View ArticleStandard headers & header spacing
The small dot on 3 pin is telling me it's not a 3 wire junction, and it's connected because you have 2 wires directly on top of each other. Big dot is 3 or more connections. Move GND label 2 grids...
View ArticleGeneric N-Channel mosfet has wrong pcb and breadboard pin layout
In my current project I am using the sparkfun Mosfet (N Channel) part (sparkfun-discretesemi-mosfet-nchannel-pth.fzp). While checking my pcb layout I found that the pin layout of the TO-92 package is...
View ArticleI want to include some latching DTDP relays... but oh dear
Hi Vanepp,Sorry for the delay in responding and thanks for the thorough replies, your work on my board and the inclusion of the bypass caps. R.e. the connector pin offset issue; I was wondering about...
View ArticleFritzing Massesymbol
Weiß niemand was ich meine?Ich bin echt ein bisschen am verzweifeln...
View ArticleI want to include some latching DTDP relays... but oh dear
No problem, its possible the connector offset is intentional, I didn't actually look at how far off straight they were so it may have only been a small amount and not an issue. As to the one view...
View ArticleSVG import not correct sizing
I'm trying to make some new images for the first time, and I'm really just not sure what I should do. The part I'm trying to make for Fritzing is from the datasheet of the real part (Microchip's...
View ArticleSVG import not correct sizing
Just upload the part here. The box with the arrow pointing up.
View ArticleInternal Server Error
Hi, I try to put my project online but I get always the same error message "Internal Server Error". I tried with Edge and Firefox. many thanks Charles Lemaire
View ArticleSVG import not correct sizing
File Upload I did upload the SVG. I tried it before, but all it gave me was an IMG tag and not the image... not sure why. The part is in fact very small, but the PCB footprint is actually only 30mm x...
View ArticleSVG import not correct sizing
In FZ Right-click the part you are making and Export it and post it here - extension .fzpz - This forum won't take .svg directly, you have to fool it, but you can extract the svg from the part.
View ArticleLooking to pay someone to create a large part
Hi Brad, Great to see you back with your new project. Hope you remember me as I've helped you with Toaster board. Actually, what got me here is the usual email notifications from fritzing summary...
View ArticleLED Flicker tester
Hello, I found this nice flicker tester video on youtube. code: Portable Light Flicker Meter One interesting aspect of LED light bulbs is that they have considerable...
View ArticleLooking to pay someone to create a large part
I think this is doable. I just finished the graphics for the breadboard view (only the connectors for the lcd and breadboard currently work as the rest aren't set yet and the text needs to be added...
View ArticleLooking to pay someone to create a large part
A question on the io pins. The photo (which is what I'm going from) is unclear around the digital i/o pins on the 4th and 5th connectors. I'm assuming they are the digital pins from the Arduino, but...
View ArticleLED Flicker tester
Other than there likely isn't a part for the sensor (although it would be easy to make one from the generic part) if you enter your (presumably working) breadboard layout in to breadboard view in...
View ArticleLED Flicker tester
vanepp: ce voltage just a capacitor (which will effectively give a reference voltage of 0 unless you are using the internal reference). There likely needs to be a connection from the ref connector to...
View ArticleLED Flicker tester
Here is my update connections flicker_bb.png2115x1380 243 KB Is the capacitor still required?
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