Thanks for the quick answer, indeed that’s not what I had in mind
So I must keep in mind to copy the used HTML files into the experimenting map so I don’t loose them (as I am always loosing stuff when I am busy and think about nothing else than what I am doing at the moment of time)
You might want to look in to git (the version control system which runs github among other things). That will keep changes to a file (html being only one of many) and let you roll back to a previous version reasonably easily. It sounds like it may do what you need. Although I’m finding it a bit difficult to learn, that may just be because I’m old .
It certainly is. I’m trying to learn development to make sure it keeps going (as development has currently pretty much stopped) and thus need to learn how git works. If you have questions we are happy to answer.
Thanks! Well based on Old_Grey original .svg file, I let the same pin names because that is the last thing to do after finishing a piece. Now I will take a look at the pinout diagram and assign the correct label / terminal id using xml.
I always struggle using the correct grid on Inkscape. I will post my program settings (Inkscape):
For this one I use
x, y spacing: (.01,.01)
Primary line each: 10
which when zoomed way in gives a 10 thou grid and when zoomed out to normal size creates a .1 in grid. You can then move the x/y start positions so the grid matches one of the connectors and the rest of the connectors should then align on the grid if they are correct. In practice though to check pin alignment I usually set the tool bar to in and read the x/y starting position of one pin then make sure all the rest are an exact .1 multiple from those x/y coords (changing the x/y in the tool bar if they aren’t). I often find snap to grid more annoyance than help and tend to disable it sometimes. As I’ve noted I’m not very good at svg editing (I learned it along with parts making) so there is almost certainly a better way to do this than how I do it.
But I really can’t get it to fit perfectly the .1 grid thing, not sure why, I always check it on Inkscape but on Fritzing, it has a little offset thing when importing it.
I’m 68, retired and enjoying my second childhood doing what I want, which is at the moment Fritzing. Git without github is reasonably easy, there is an excellent free book available as a pdf. For a html document the branch / commit cycle is fairly easy (and I understand there is a graphic version which is even easier). The part that is tripping me up is getting my changes back to my fork on github, getting them local hasn’t been a problem. Worth at least a try because it sounds like it will do what you want (be able to go back to any previous version that has been committed).
It doesn’t. The binary is from the download you get at Fritzing,org which is the one you linked to in your post.
If you want to run the development version then you download the files on Github and follow the build instructions which takes a long time and has multiple errors currently. To build it you would really have to read through the recent build discussions here on the forum for the latest information and undocumented changes to the build instructions.
Specifically this post which builds head for me on Ubuntu 16.04lts linux and Windows7pro (although I think windows can be simplified somewhat, this works for me).
Yah, that was my reaction too . Now on to the faults. Breadboard alignment is fairly easy. The connectors are different sizes connector0pin is w 0.056 h 0.056 connector46 and 47 (and the grove connectors) are w 0.020 h 0.019. This matters to alignment because grid alignment is to the center of the pin, however drawing alignment is to the bottom left corner. I just discovered that in Inkscape if I select the xml editor window and type connector0 it will find and highlight connector0 in the xml editor! In any case back to alignment problems. Connector0pin is
x 2.495 y 1.972 w 0.056 h 0.056 so pin center is x 2.518 (x 2.495 + (w 0.056 / 2) and y center is 1.995 (y 1.972 + (h 0.056 / 2). So far so good, all the rest of the connectors in that row are .1 apart and all is well. Now we hit connector46 and do the same calculation: x 0.200 y 0.290 w .020 h .020 (round up from the real .019 for ease of math) which gives a center position of x 0.210 (same calculation as for pin 0 but different width) and y 0.30. As we see the center of pin 46 is not on a .1 grid compared to pin 0, and thus we have the misalignment in breadboard. My preferred fix is to change all the pin height/widths to the same value but doing so will change there x/y position (as the calculation still starts from the x/y values but the width and height are smaller meaning we need to add some (which can be calculated) value to the x/y coords to keep the pin in the correct place. The correct way to automate this would be to use a python script to do it (unless someone knows an Inkscape way of doing it which i would love to hear!) or in the short term do it manually which is a fair bit of work. If you do it manually do the 2 grove connectors and the power connector as there are less of them than the headers. Next issue is the schematic svg. As a personal preference I like to have schematic (as much as possible) mimic the breadboard view, so I would structure schematic like this:
bat con+ |-------------------| first grove pin 4
bat con- |-------------------| …
_________|-------------------| first grove pin 1
header8pin|----------------| second grove pin 4
… |___________| …
header1pin|| second grove pin 1
(if this isn’t clear I can create a proper svg the forum is formating this oddly). The other issue is your schematic terminalIds are missing in the fzp file for some of the pins. Connector0 is good:
p terminalId=“connector0terminal” layer=“schematic” svgId=“connector0pin”
connector1 is wrong (no terminal id which makes the line connect to the center of the pin rather than the end in schematic):
p layer=“schematic” svgId=“connector1pin”
and last, it is preferable to export the part as an fzpz file rather than an fzbz file. Here is a png of connector0 (works) and connector1 (no terminalId) to show the issue and how to test for it in a sketch which testing your part:
If you connect the header straight in to the pin on the board it will appear to work even though it is wrong due to the lack of a terminalId.
Edit: Just remembered one more issue: The VCC and GND (and perhaps other) pins need to be bused either via editing the fzp file or setting internal connections in parts editor.
Pin connectors are straight off the UNO, and we know most parts aren’t prefect, but then again it’s not supposed to fit on a 0.100" breadboard, like an UNO, so maybe it will do as is.
I think this footprint should do you. As always before ordering boards check the footprint against a real part. This is a generic 40 pin IC with the qfn40 footprint in pcb. You would need to add a breadboard view and add the pin names in schematic view.