Fix Generic IC wandering
When I was exporting PDFs I noticed that the generic parts came out HUGE and out of position unless you made them custom parts. Possibly that's related?
View ArticleFix Generic IC wandering
I don't know what the huge would be, but this was the bug I sub 4 months ago. Duplicate IC in Sch view bug bugs Steps I took that resulted in the problem: Drag the first IC (V.4) - top left in group -...
View ArticleBug in Updating SVG image of a part in Part Editor
HiI was developing a custom part for our prototyping board evive [], but faced some issues of not linking some vector shapes to corresponding connectors. I started with Arduino MEGA...
View ArticleBug in Updating SVG image of a part in Part Editor
When you go Edit Part, BB view, and click on M1D1 in the top right box of Fig4, does the correct contact light up. Basically did you "Select Graphic" for the connector.
View ArticleBug in Updating SVG image of a part in Part Editor
yes. I did. Untitled-1.png1920x1080 85 KB
View ArticleBug in Updating SVG image of a part in Part Editor
I'm only a hack, but can you upload the Fritz file.
View ArticleBug in Updating SVG image of a part in Part Editor
Don't feel bad, unlike Old_Grey I have never been able to get the parts editor to set the connectors either (although he has told me how many times ). I generally hand edit the fpz file and/or the...
View ArticleBug in Updating SVG image of a part in Part Editor
Do you mean the top right connector assignment box in FZ edit, like above. Just click on the text writing - like MD1 D1 above - and the line goes dark grey. It's the blank line with no box to indicate...
View ArticleCNC PCB from CAD to CAM with Fritzing CopperCAM and bCNC
2016-11-04 10_42_54.jpg1088x613 123 KB
View ArticleCNC PCB from CAD to CAM with Fritzing CopperCAM and bCNC
I believe I would use a small end mill, either tapered or flat tip, it will do a better job than the engraver bit... You could probably order them right form here......
View ArticleCNC PCB from CAD to CAM with Fritzing CopperCAM and bCNC
Or better yet a slot drill, because you can plunge them and they are centreless.
View ArticleCNC PCB from CAD to CAM with Fritzing CopperCAM and bCNC
You really don't need to plunge them, they should route just deep enough to remove the copper. I was thinking of using a down-cut, it would have a cleaner cut and you wouldn't have any burs... but,...
View ArticleCNC PCB from CAD to CAM with Fritzing CopperCAM and bCNC
I had to look up down-cut mill. and it looks like a slot drill - 2 words for the same thing -. End mills usually have a dead spot in the centre that doesn't get cut. Then when you move to the side it...
View ArticleCNC PCB from CAD to CAM with Fritzing CopperCAM and bCNC
Down-cut you usually plunge on an angle or start on the edge, but here you are only talking about a couple of mils... Normally down-cut are used when routing all the way through the substrate... When...
View ArticleCNC PCB from CAD to CAM with Fritzing CopperCAM and bCNC
On an angle, maybe it's a bit different.Slot drills remove the centre even if you flat plunge them, leaving no stub in the centre. You can see the blades are different length. Maybe the DIY CNC stuff...
View ArticleCNC PCB from CAD to CAM with Fritzing CopperCAM and bCNC
I am not a machinist, we did not use a lot of end mills. I was in the cabinet making / woodworking / mill work, store fixture, and Trade Show exhibit business. We used machining centers and table...
View ArticleCNC PCB from CAD to CAM with Fritzing CopperCAM and bCNC
Ahh, so it's closer to wood than metal. That explains it.
View ArticleCNC PCB from CAD to CAM with Fritzing CopperCAM and bCNC
For PCB routing, they are very small bits (0.1-0.15mm bit is 60 degrees. The 0.2-0.5mm is 90ยบ). I suggested these bits because this is what this company does... They make routers and software just for...
View ArticleHow to change font?
how can we change font for labels?OCR A it's just a terrible, outdated fonts, and pretty chubby
View ArticleHow to change font?
Make it any font you like... draw it up on Inkscape, save it as an .svg, and import it as a Silkscreen Image...
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